If you have an interest in emergency communications and meet the entry criteria we would like to hear from you.
What are the criteria for membership?
To become a member of AREC you must:
Be a member of the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters. (NZART)
Be prepared to undergo a Police vetting process.
Have a genuine interest in volunteering your time to assist the community during emergencies and be prepared to actively participate in regular AREC activities, and training.
Common Concerns
Do I have to have an amateur radio license?
No. NZART has both transmitting and non-transmitting membership categories and unlicensed members are welcome. If you wish to obtain a license later we can help you with training and advice. Most of the communications we are involved in use non-amateur radio channels such as Search and Rescue, Civil Defence, and Personal Radio Service (PRS) which do not need an Amateur Radio qualification to use the radio.
If I join, how much time will I be committing to?
We expect members to take part in AREC activities at a level consistent with their personal circumstances. We understand that everyone has different demands on their time, but we expect that you will take an active part and contribute as and when you are able.
I don't have a high level of technical knowledge and don't want to find myself out of my depth.
AREC is implementing a new training program designed to make sure that all our members have the knowledge and skills they need before being placed in operational roles. We will teach you what you need to know and make sure you have support.
I'm not as fit as I used to be. I don't think I could cope out in the field. Is there a place for me?
Going out in the field is only a small part of what AREC does. There is a place for volunteers of all levels of fitness, technical knowledge, operational skills, and time availability. In addition to people with front-line operating and technical roles we need people to help with training delivery, administration, mentoring, organizing, logistics, training design, technical writing equipment maintenance, etc. If you are interested and keen to help there will be a job for you.
I don't live anywhere near an NZART or AREC branch and can't travel long distances to meetings. Am I able to contribute remotely?
Yes. We are developing systems to support members who are not able or don't wish to attend local meetings etc. These will include online learning systems and other remote training options. Although you need to be a member of NZART, you don't have to belong to a local branch to be a member of AREC. During disasters, remote members are often our most valuable assets. We are committed to making sure anyone anywhere in New Zealand is able to volunteer their time and skills.